
A student holds her morter board which reads "Not worried about the next chapter because I know the author"

是的! 所有的高级仪式都将被记录下来用于直播. Livestream links will be posted on the Commencement homepage as we get closer to the event. You will be able to watch recordings of the livestreams later on our liverstream页面, but the links may not be available until a week or so after the ceremonies. 注意: No other videographers are allowed on the arena floor or in any aisle in the stands.

Graduate Hooding ceremonies will not be livestreamed or recorded. 

SPU will continue to use the regalia designed new for last year for 2024年毕业典礼. 这是每个本科生礼包的一部分, a specially designed SPU stole will be part of your regalia package. 此外,Josten's有广泛的亲和力偷窃选择 可供购买.

对流苏的颜色有疑问吗? 访问赌博十大靠谱软件度类型和流苏颜色页.

有很多 酒店 就在SPU附近.


SPU书店也将在上午8点30分开放.m.–6 p.m. 在周五.. 

常春藤修剪是一种户外仪式. 如果那天下雨怎么办?

赌博十大靠谱软件已经制定了降雨计划. It will go into effect if there is a forecast for severe weather, 包括大雨和/或打雷和闪电. Students will receive a notification if the rain plan is put into action.


Is there ADA seating available in Tiffany Loop, for 艾薇切割?

If you have a guest in a wheelchair or who needs a seat close to the sidewalk, please contact graduationinfo@776kingston.com. 赌博十大靠谱软件还可以安排几个伴座.


We recommend pulling into the Ross parking lot, directly across 3rd 大街. W. from Tiffany Loop, to drop off your guests before parking your car.


我有一些行动不便的客人. 在什么地方下车最好 t - mobile公园?

There will be limited availability for ADA guests only to be dropped off on the east side of 1st 大街. S. 就在本垒板入口前面. Volunteers will be on hand to direct and assist ADA guests to special elevators and ADA seats. Guest Parking is available in the 水手 Parking Garage and at numerous surrounding locations near the ballpark. The 水手 Parking Garage can accommodate vehicles height of 7' or less.

Parking spaces - Only vehicles with state-issued disabled parking plates or permits are allowed in these areas. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 水手.com/Parking


For guests using a wheelchair or walker, ADA seating (with one companion seat) is available. Graduates must make requests for accessible guest seating by contacting graduationinfo@776kingston.com.到达后请找赌博十大靠谱软件的志愿者帮忙. 

Please ask a staff member for direction upon arrival at Commencement.

我有个听力受损的客人. 会有手语翻译或字幕吗?

是的. There will be sign language interpretation at both 艾薇切割 and the Commencement ceremony. If you have a guest that needs to be seated close to an interpreter, please contact graduationinfo@776kingston.com. 在T-Mobile公园举行的仪式, assisted listening devices that transmit ballpark audio are available for guests with hearing or visual impairments for complimentary use during games. Please stop by the Main Guest Service Center at Section 128 to pick up the devices or for more information.


外带食品允许单份食用. 密封, 32盎司的透明塑料水瓶, 婴儿奶瓶, 与医疗需要有关的饮料, 和未开封, soft-sided single serve containers like juice boxes are permitted. 不允许携带苏打水、咖啡或其他饮料. Guests may also bring in one empty plastic reusable bottle 32 ounces or smaller. 这些物品要经过安全检查. 只有透明的袋子可以带入T-Mobile公园. 


这里没有官方的花商, but frequently there is someone selling flowers and leis outside of the arena. To be safe, we recommend purchasing flowers in advance, before you come to the arena.


不幸的是,没有. All guests entering the arena will be subject to a security check at the main entrances. Balloons, beach balls, inflatable items, and wrapped packages are not allowed inside the arena.

What shall I do with my purse or personal belongings during the ceremonies?

没有地方可以锁门, 安全, or leave personal items and purses during either of the ceremonies. You must either leave items with one of your guests or carry them with you. Cell phones are handy, so you can let your guests know where to find you in the processional. t - mobile公园已经实施了一个 清袋政策 对于所有事件.

  • Clear plastic or vinyl bags no larger than 12" x 6" x 12" are permitted. 也允许携带一加仑的透明塑料袋.
  • 安全 must be able to see inside and identify items to the bottom of the bag. 物品不得用来掩盖袋内物品的外观, 包括但不限于非透明袋, 袋, 等. 不允许携带内部物品遮挡视线的袋子.
  • 小手包不超过4个.5" x 6.5英寸是允许的. (塑料袋不必是透明的塑料或乙烯基.)
  • Backpacks, multi-compartment bags, duffle bags and purses larger than 4.5"x6.5英寸是不允许的. Exceptions will be made for medically necessary items or single compartment diaper bags (child must be present).

Grad Images is the official photography company for Commencement. They will take a photograph of each graduate receiving a diploma, and graduates will receive a proof in the mail shortly after the ceremony. 您可以拨打电话1-800-628-4509与公司联系,或亲自访问 gradimages.com. No other photographers are allowed on the arena floor or in any aisle in the stands.

是的! 2024 Commencement is for all students who are completing their degree in 2024, 包括2024年的夏季和秋季.

Diploma covers, without diplomas, are distributed at Commencement. You will receive your diploma once all requirements are completed, 你的学位成绩已经公布了, 以及对大学的所有财务义务(i.e. 罚款)得到满足. Spring Quarter graduates should receive diplomas by mid-September and summer graduates by mid-December.

SPU plans to follow applicable legal requirements for COVID-19 during Commencement weekend. It is our understanding that the applicable rules do not require masks, 疫苗接种证明, 或此时COVID-19检测阴性的证明. 不过,如果人们愿意,欢迎戴口罩. 也, 如果规则改变, or if t - mobile公园 adds any requirements that are specific for the venue, 赌博十大靠谱软件将遵循这些更新后的要求.



如果你仍然在这里找不到答案, call the 办公室 of the Chief Academic 办公室r at 206-281-2508 or email graduationinfo@776kingston.com.